Jack Ketchum
“Who’s the scariest guy in America? Probably Jack Ketchum.” – Stephen King
November 10, 1946 – January 24, 2018
Jack Ketchum is the pseudonym for a former actor, singer, teacher, literary agent, lumber salesman and soda jerk – a former flower child and baby boomer who figures that in 1956 Elvis, dinosaurs, and horror probably saved his life. His first novel, Off Season, prompted the Village Voice to publicly scold its publisher of violent pornography. He personally disagrees but is perfectly happy to let you decide for yourself. He has won multiple Stoker Awards, and has written over twenty novels and novellas – including several with film director Lucky McKee. Five of his books have been filmed to date. His novella The Crossings was cited by Stephen King in his speech at the 2003 National Book Awards. Dallas Mayr – Jack Ketchum – passed away on January 24, 2018.